Document to download: The 20 most popular Microsoft 365 apps

Windows 365
Windows 365 provides a secure hybrid work environment that allows your employees to stay productive from anywhere. Enjoy all the benefits of streaming Windows 10 or 11.
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Windows 365, a cloud PC optimized for hybrid work and productivity

With Windows 365, Microsoft offers any business the perfect tool to facilitate hybrid work while promoting productivity. By choosing Windows 365, you will offer your teams a flexible and secure environment, accessible from anywhere and on any device. By using a cloud PC tailored to your needs, you will be able to respond more effectively to sudden changes in our society, without losing sight of your business objectives.

What is the Windows 365 cloud PC?

Windows 365 is a hybrid computer stored in the Microsoft cloud. This system provides the entire experience offered by Windows 10 or 11, streamed to any type of device – be it computer, cell phone or tablet.

Why choose a Windows 365 cloud PC?

Secure your business-critical data

Windows 365 streaming PC is built on a zero-trust security architecture, which means you always have to check for connections or attempts to connect to an asset. This approach helps meet the challenges posed by cyber threats.

Moreover, by using the Windows 365 solution, all your data is securely backed up in the Microsoft cloud. This means it is possible to restore a backed up version of your environment in a few clicks, and resume your activities quickly following a problem.

With Windows 365, Microsoft simplifies the management of your company’s cybersecurity by allowing your users to achieve their goals in a secure manner.

A solution that adapts to your business needs

Windows 365 is an environment that can be easily adapted to the reality of your business. With just a few clicks, you can modify the components used by the system to meet the needs of your users and support them in their daily tasks.

In addition to a choice of storage, RAM and CPU, Windows 365 allows you to choose between Windows 10 and Windows 11 (when available). Each organization will be able to have a functional environment that is completely adapted to their needs.

Rapid deployment for every user

In the hybrid working world, “bring your own device” (BYOD) policies are becoming predominant, in order to better respond to the current reality. However, these policies bring their own set of security considerations. The Windows 365 solution mitigates the risks associated with this by offering the possibility to work on a personal device while accessing a completely secure work environment with the required configuration, to achieve the company’s objectives.

As a result, Windows 365 can be easily and quickly deployed within an organization. Whether it’s for a new employee, a subcontractor or while waiting for a new computer to be delivered, the system can be ready in a few clicks and every employee can connect to it using any device with Internet access!

Windows 365 helps accelerate your company’s digital transformation by providing an environment designed for hybrid work.

A cloud PC for hybrid work

Addressing small and large businesses, Windows 365 meets the needs of organizations wishing to provide flexibility to its employees while maintaining a high level of security against cyber threats.

By allowing users to connect from any device and any location, this cloud PC solution allows anyone to pick up where they left off, while integrating with the Microsoft environment, including Microsoft 365.

Regardless of location or device, Windows 365 allows users to use local resources, such as a printer, in a simple way.

Windows 365 allows every employee to collaborate effortlessly and seamlessly, whether at home, in the office or at the cottage.

Choose between Windows 365 cloud PC or Azure Virtual Desktop

Microsoft now offers different solutions for operating systems stored in the cloud: Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop. Each environment has specific needs that must be considered when choosing a cloud PC solution. The experts at MS Solutions can help you make the right choice and configure your new environment to integrate it properly with the services that you already use !

Our Commitment

We are experts in accelerating the use of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem by your people, through customized coaching and the application of best practices.

Stéphane Blais

Vice President Of Technologies and Innovation

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