Document to download: The 20 most popular Microsoft 365 apps

Using a Shared Computer with Office 365

Microsoft recently announced the ability to enable computer sharing with an Office 365 Business Client. Traditionally, users were able to install and activate Office 365 on a limited number of devices (e.g. 5 PCs), but now, with computer sharing enabled, this limitation does not apply. 

This development is interesting for multiple users who are connecting to a single remote computer simultaneously. Enabling sharing provides the ability for users to run programs such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, at the same time, on the same remote machine. This is also advantageous for users who work on the same computer, but do so to log on to their personal accounts. 

Here are some more examples of where this ability may come in handy:

  • Four garage workers share a computer to record their sales in Excel. 
  • Six web developers use Word on shared computers to create reports for their clients, using a similar template. 
  • A small business owner and an accountant connect remotely to a Windows server to use their company’s accounting software.
  • Marketing consultants use Office on an office computer to update their clients’ latest statistics and to write reports.
  • Real estate brokers work from home and connect to Windows Virtual Desktops (WVD) on Azure

Enabling computer sharing with Office 365 Business Client is only available for Microsoft 365 Business accounts. This is not a general feature.

Contact one of our specialists to determine if enabling computer sharing with Office 365 Business Client is applicable in your organization.

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