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MS Solutions and Maxime Dion at Les Fidéides: Finalists in two prestigious categories!

We are extremely proud and delighted to announce that MS Solutions and Maxime Dion, our President, have been selected as finalists in two prestigious categories of the Fidéides of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Quebec: “Entreprise de services” and “Entrepreneur visionnaire”.

These nominations represent significant recognition of our hard work, commitment and strategic vision.

In the “Entreprise de services” category, our company stood out thanks to our exceptional commitment in different areas. Whether through our constant investment, the creation of meaningful jobs, constant innovation or our products and services, we have been able to offer exceptional services while distinguishing ourselves by our quality of life at work and our involvement in the community. .

But that’s not all ! In the “Entrepreneur visionnaire” category, we have reserved a memorable surprise for our President, Maxime Dion.
In secret, our team prepared a complete file and submitted his application without his being informed. During our weekly meeting, we had the honor of announcing this wonderful news to him. His far-sighted vision and sense of development have played a vital role in our current success and have positioned MS Solutions as a key player for the years to come.

The Fidéides competition is a real showcase of entrepreneurial excellence, and being among the finalists is a long-awaited recognition for our company and our President. It is also an opportunity for us to warmly thank our entire dedicated team, who are working tirelessly to achieve our ambitious goals.

We would also like to congratulate the other finalists in these two categories, who are true models of inspiration and entrepreneurial success.

As valued readers, you have witnessed our journey and evolution. Your support and trust have been essential pillars of our success, and we are deeply grateful.

We look forward to sharing more information about the Fidéides and keeping you updated on our journey in this competition. Do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter for and our social networks to not miss any of the latest news.

Thank you again for your loyalty and continued support.

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