Cybersecurity 2024: Ideal budget and essential steps

The main step of Bill 25 about the protection of personal information

Bill 25 modernizes Quebec’s privacy legislation. Its aim is to give users greater control over their personal information.

To comply with the requirements of this law, organizations will have to implement several measures. The law will gradually come into force in 3 phases over 3 years, from September 2022 to September 2024, to give organizations time to implement these major changes.  

Reform goal  

 The reform of Bill 25 on the protection of personal information is designed to achieve several key objectives for organizations and individuals.
First and foremost, one of the main objectives is to strengthen the protection of personal information. With the constant evolution of digital technology and the multiplication of personal data exchanged online, it is crucial to ensure that this confidential information is secure against potential threats.

The reform also aims to promote transparency and obtain the free and informed consent of individuals regarding the use of their data. This enables individuals to have a better understanding of how their personal information is used, and to make informed choices about its disclosure.

By giving individuals more control over their own data, the reform promotes their autonomy and confidence in the use of digital services. 

Lastly, the reform is part of an ongoing commitment to adapt to new technologies. By taking technological advances into account, the law seeks to remain relevant and effective in protecting personal information in the constantly evolving digital context. By implementing these objectives, the reform of Bill 25 aims to establish a solid legal framework that protects the rights and privacy of individuals, while fostering a secure and reliable digital environment for businesses and users alike.

Summary of tasks according to 

It can be confusing to know what you need to do to comply with the law. That’s why we’ve put together a step-by-step checklist to make sure you’ve got everything you need to check off the boxes with flying colors.

Phase 1 – September 2022

For September 2022, your organization must cover the following points 

  1. Delegate the role of Privacy Officer in writing.
  2. Publish the title and contact details of the Privacy Officer
  3. Establish a register of privacy incidents
  4. Develop a procedure for assessing the risk of serious harm in the event of an incident, and notify the CAI and the individuals concerned.
  5. Implement a personal information security management and incident response plan 

To find out more about phase 1 of Bill 25, take a look at our webinar on the subject: La loi 25 vous empêche de dormir ? Nous avons une solution Zen pour vous ! 

Phase 2 – September 2023

For September 2023, here are the points to be implemented 

  1. Assess your current policies and practices and identify what needs to be created or modified
  2. Establish a project plan, with timelines, objectives and a budget approved by management
  3. Map your data and identify sensitive personal information
  4. Develop or modify PR governance plan policies and practices
  5. Develop a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) procedure and template
  6. Train and educate your teams on their responsibilities and the consequences of non-compliance
  7. Review contracts with your service providers who handle PR for the company
  8. Publish simple, clear information on your website about your policies and practices

Phase 3 – September 2024

In September 2024, we reach the end of the Bill 25 process.

  1. Implement measures to facilitate the right to data portability. If an individual asks you for access to their data, they must be able to access it in a simple, understandable format.  

MS Solutions’ tip: Opt for our Bill 25 compliance support and take advantage of our turnkey toolbox. You’ll have access to tools specifically designed to meet the various requirements mentioned above.

In short

Bill 25 brings with it a host of changes, requiring your organization to adapt in order to comply. The fact that this law is coming into force gradually is voluntary, to enable each organization to validate the requirements process step by step.

This law is not to be taken lightly, as failure to comply could cost you dearly in both financial and criminal terms. 

Would you like to benefit from support for compliance with Bill 25? Contact our team for more information. Our experts will guide you through the process of achieving optimal compliance.

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