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New Microsoft Teams Features

Telecommuting requires flexibility in terms of when, where and how your employees work – so the digital tools you use during team meetings and appointments with customers and partners must be efficient and collaborative. Does your current video conferencing platform offer you an intuitive, collaborative and secure workspace? In this article, we will introduce you to some new features in Microsoft Teams, and discuss their benefits.


Keep Your Online Meetings Moving

It can be difficult to keep the attention of your interlocutors and to give a dynamic presentation during an online meeting. Luckily, Microsoft Teams’ new feature, Microsoft PowerPoint Live, might make this easier for you. When you share your screen during a meeting, it can disrupt your presentation and limit the possibility of interaction with participants. The new Teams feature allows you to keep a global view, with your presentation, your notes, instant messaging, and participants. Plus, if you’re presenting with multiple presenters, they can easily “take control” and instantly access Presenter View.


A Fluid And Seamless Presentation

The new Microsoft PowerPoint Live feature also allows a presenter to customize the appearance of their content to their attendees, via different PowerPoint sharing options. For example, in “report” mode you can display your content in the background (see the image above). You can also choose to appear on half the screen, and display your presentation on the other half.


Better Interaction With Participants

Attendees can also browse through your presentation content privately and at their own pace. If participants want to intervene during a meeting, the new “dynamic signage” feature will automatically adjust and customize the layout when participants activate video and start speaking or presenting content. Another feature (not yet available) allows participants to watch the camera at all times. This new option positions the video of participants speaking at the top of the meeting window, to bring your gaze to your computer’s camera naturally.


Secure Communications

By using Microsoft Teams, your communications by videoconference, your online conversations, the sharing of your documents, and everything else will be safe. A new feature (coming in the first half of 2021) will allow you to protect your calls with another person with end-to-end encryption. Your IT team will be able to designate the employees who can use this system within your organization.


Need Help?

Don’t have Microsoft Teams yet, or want help getting these updates working? We offer a turnkey Microsoft Teams implementation service for businesses. Experts will be able to answer all of your questions, so do not hesitate to contact us here.

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