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How to use the new version of Stream

Corporate videos, tutorials, presentations… there are plenty of opportunities when it comes to integrating video into a corporate context. Let’s see together how to use the new version of Stream to simplify your daily work. Through this article we will see what differentiates the classic version of Stream from the new version. We will also see the impacts on the ecosystem of M365. We will also talk about governance rules, the role of artificial intelligence and the migration of your content.   

Classic Stream Vs SharePoint Stream       

As a reminder, Stream was a “one-stop video portal” for all of your organization’s videos. In its classic version, Stream was not an integral part of the Microsoft 365 environment. For this reason, it did not benefit from the full capabilities that the environment can provide.

Now Stream is the personalized video-centric database for anyone who wants to find, watch, enhance, or save videos directly to SharePoint, OneDrive, or Teams!

Stream also takes place at the level of the Office office suite, so you will also find it in the office group with Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

As for the file formats that the environment now supports, for videos we talk about MP4, MOV M4V; and for audio files, we have MP3, WMV and WEBM files.

Impacts on the ecosystem of M365 

In the new version of Stream, Stream is now fully integrated into the ecosystem, which brings major benefits like these:

  • Be more easily notified of published content and be able to structure it within SharePoint with a greater perspective of use and potential
  • Published content will now naturally be subject to corporate governance rules regarding content and access management.
  • You will now have the ability to manage video access and content lifecycle permissions
  • Videos will benefit from the power of Graph to give us analytics that we did not have before


Governance rules, permission, life cycle in the ecosystem

When we talk about governance, we are mainly dealing with rules that we apply to our entire ecosystem, or partially to one or more sites, or even to a particular type of content or tool.

In the case of Stream, here are some examples of issues related to governance rules:

  • Is external sharing supported and in what scenarios is it allowed?
  • Where do we allow the file repository associated with Stream for SharePoint?
  • Who or what group of individuals can use Stream, make recordings,
  • Who or what group of individuals to remove content or change information related to that content.

We cannot talk about data governance without talking about the security and life cycle aspects. Since the videos are no longer in a “single video portal”, you upload videos or audio files of different formats. You will be able to apply permissions, lifetime, archiving rules on these as you would for any other files on your SharePoint sites.
In addition, you will be able to publish them in your Teams teams, Yammer communities and your OneDrive.

Artificial intelligence from Graph in Stream 

When we talk about artificial intelligence in Microsoft 365, we are talking, among other things, about Microsoft Graph. Stream being fully integrated into the ecosystem, we can now benefit from the services of Graph.

For example, when you access a meeting video you were in, you might notice visual cues on the video’s timeline.

Each of these acronyms helps you locate important items so you can access them quickly. When you arrived, when your name was mentioned, when a colleague arrived, or when you left the meeting.

What to do with your content that’s in classic Stream

For anyone who already has content published to your classic Stream, it’s important to plan for migrating that content to Stream for SharePoint. Here are the key steps to take:

Step 1: Ask your IT administrator to disable the ability to upload new content in the classic version of Stream.

Step 2: Still with the help of your IT administrator, disable the ability to upload new content in the Stream Classic version.

Step 3: Watch for the release of the migration tool which will be available by Q1 2023. This tool will facilitate the transfer of your videos and the transcripts associated with them.

Step 4: In closing, you will receive an official statement from Microsoft to your company that will indicate that you have 1 year to migrate your content from the time of receipt of the statement. You will need to complete your migration at this time or risk losing the remaining files in your classic Stream. 

In short

Video has become essential on a daily basis, which is why Microsoft 365 has optimized Microsoft Stream to make it a tool fully integrated with other daily tools such as SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive… but also the office suite! Stream, thus integrated, allows better collaboration by simplifying its use. It is now possible to process your videos with the same possibilities as any other file in the Microsoft environment! However, as we have seen through this article, this change comes with its share of adaptation, so you will have to make sure to migrate your content currently on your classic Stream to your SharePoint Stream so as not to lose your currently saved documents.

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