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What is the cloud?

Did you know that we offer cloud solutions for businesses and that our MS Cloud 3.0 is a 100% Quebec cloud? Integrating a cloud can be very useful in a company and allow you to save time and money. We will see why in this article.

What Is The Cloud?

The cloud is a remote storage solution. The data is available through remote servers accessible via the Internet rather than being physically stored in the workplace. You can therefore access it from anywhere, as long as you have Internet access.

There are several types:

-IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): the operating system and applications are installed by users on servers to which it is possible to connect to work as on a desktop computer.

-PaaS (Platform as a Service): the cloud service provider administers the operating system and its tools. The customer can install his own applications if needed.

-SaaS (Software as a Service): applications are provided as turnkey services to which users connect via the Internet.


The Advantages Of Having A Cloud

-Having a cloud decreases certain expenses in a company: you no longer need to update your servers and it is the cloud provider who takes care of the management of your servers.

-It also facilitates international operations since data is now accessible from anywhere with a sharing that is done quickly.

-All types of clouds are also flexible: you can modify and customize your services according to your business needs.

-Your data and applications are all in one secure location.


The Cloud At MS Solutions

MS Solutions’ cloud solutions are tailored to your business and are reliable. They allow you to leave the management of your servers and workstations to focus on innovation and growth within your organization.

Our solutions are an excellent alternative to the giants in the field. We offer more mobility for your team, a transparent implementation, powerful applications and flexible solutions.

In addition, with our cloud services, you benefit from exceptional IT security expertise and advanced security management and threat protection capabilities for all your cloud workloads. The security of your data is a priority for us.

MS Solutions’ cloud services operate from four data centers located in Quebec and we offer exceptional reliability with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

In some cases, an all-cloud solution is advantageous while in other situations it may be better to have a hybrid cloud. Our cloud services experts can advise you on which cloud services to choose based on your needs.

In Short

Having a cloud can be very convenient in a company. Choose one of our cloud solutions and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.

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