Document to download: The 20 most popular Microsoft 365 apps

Penetration testing and vulnerability identification
Simulate an attack against your IT department in a controlled environment with a penetration test. Identify vulnerabilities and fix problems with our cybersecurity experts.
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Don't wait for a hacker to test your limits to find out where your weaknesses are.


45% of Canadian companies
performed a penetration test in 2022


once a year,
is the right rhythm to do a penetration test

Penetration testing: work with our team of experts

Outsmart threats and ensure your data is protected at all times with the identification and remediation of your vulnerabilities by an external expert.

Demonstrate to your customers, suppliers, business partners and even your insurer that your computer network is flawless and trustworthy.

Le test d’intrusion (aussi connu sous le nom de “Pentest”) est une pratique permettant d’analyser la sécurité d’une infrastructure informatique en simulant une attaque afin de déceler les différentes vulnérabilités qu’il présente.

Il permet d’identifier les différentes failles de sécurité présentes dans votre système informatique avant que des cybercriminels ne les exploitent.

Après le test d’intrusion, il sera possible de planifier les différents correctifs pouvant être apportés à votre environnement afin de le rendre plus robuste face aux cyber-menaces.

Hackers have an excellent understanding of the vulnerabilities present in each of the technologies. This is also the case for our penetration testing specialists at MS Solutions who will be able to:

  • Discover vulnerabilities of all kinds during the analysis of your systems and applications, then plan the corrections to these problems
  • Avoid significant financial losses by making an initial investment much less expensive than possible losses generated by a cyberattack
  • Comply with industry standards
  • Meet the expectations of your customers, your suppliers, your business partners and even your insurer

How is a penetration test carried out by our team?

A personalized penetration test will be conducted according to the specific needs of your organization with our cybersecurity experts.
Our test takes place in 3 main stages.

1. Analysis

Our team will analyze your needs and advise you on the type of penetration test needed for your organization.

Depending on your overall security status, our experts will be able to detect items that require immediate attention.

2. Pentest

We will test the security level of your company’s computer networks in order to identify system flaws.

Penetration tests of several types can be carried out: internal, external, application, physical, wireless, cloud, SaaS, etc.

3. The report

A detailed report will be given to you in order to inform you of the flaws to be corrected and to benefit from possible solutions to remedy these vulnerabilities. We’ll provide you with actionable recommendations to strengthen your security posture.

Our penetration testing services

Make sure that your company’s sensitive data is safe from a possible breach that could be exploited externally by hackers. By simulating an attack against your IT services in a controlled environment, through an external penetration test, our cybersecurity experts can identify vulnerabilities and plan the corrective measures to provide you with an even more secure environment.

With the evolution of the use of web applications to manage critical information, security breaches are increasing as a result of ordinary use. This type of security breach becomes more and more important for companies when many web applications are interconnected using APIs. Without realizing it, the security of critical business data is at risk. Regardless of the SaaS (Software as a Service) used within your company, MS Solutions can identify vulnerabilities and help you fix them.

With the digital transformation of businesses, there are more and more interconnections and technologies that create opportunities for hackers. It is therefore important to ensure that your company’s sensitive data is safe from a potential data breach. Respond to threats and ensure the protection of your data stored on servers, by having your vulnerabilities managed and identified by an outside expert.

AWS cloud services have contributed to the complexity of corporate environments. It is increasingly important to challenge existing AWS security measures to immediately identify potential problems. By performing a penetration test on your AWS cloud service, you will be able to better respond to threats and ensure the protection of your data stored there.

Google Cloud environments can be compromised in a range of ways, and misconfigurations can leave your cloud vulnerable. Both malicious outsiders and your internal employees are potential risks to consider. That’s why it’s important to regularly monitor your security strength, so you can discover security holes in your Google Cloud environment and apply concrete solutions to address them. 

Nearly 80% of intrusions come from inside your company’s network. It is essential to ensure the security of your internal data. An internal penetration test simulates an attack from an employee or a malicious partner in order to identify existing vulnerabilities. Our cybersecurity experts will then be able to assist you in correcting problems.

Make sure that your company’s sensitive data is safe from a possible breach that could be exploited externally by hackers. By simulating an attack against your IT services in a controlled environment, through an external penetration test, our cybersecurity experts can identify vulnerabilities and plan the corrective measures to provide you with an even more secure environment.

With the increase in working from home, the use of cloud infrastructure is growing. However, the use of cloud services can potentially create security vulnerabilities within your organization. It is therefore important to verify the security of all your cloud platforms. You can rely on our cybersecurity expertise to provide you with the right solutions for your business, regardless of your service provider. We have extensive experience with cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud.

Websites and applications are more and more integrated with modules, extensions, and connected through APIs, and all this complexity makes websites and applications more vulnerable. By performing a penetration test for websites and web applications, you ensure the security of the sensitive data accessible on these platforms.

The Microsoft 365 ecosystem is a set of applications that are primarily in the cloud. These Microsoft 365 applications contain sensitive data circulating between multiple parties. The main issues that put an organization at risk are: overly permissive access and sharing settings, under-utilization of authentication mechanisms, under-utilization of compliance features and data classification. It is therefore essential to prevent any risk of losing sensitive data, and to strengthen security with a Microsoft 365 penetration test.

Microsoft Azure allows companies of all sizes to deploy and manage their own applications and services. Within these applications is a large amount of sensitive data, which is at risk. Even if Microsoft Azure is known to be highly secure, the risks are not to be minimized. This is why it is essential to perform a Microsoft Azure penetration test periodically to avoid the risk of data loss.

Our Commitment

Our team of certified cybersecurity professionals will work with you to implement and maintain the IT security solution that meets your needs.

Bernard Després

Security and Audit Practice Manager


Find the questions most frequently asked by our visitors.

Most companies wait until they suspect a cyberattack or hack to conduct a penetration test. We advise you to perform a penetration test at more opportune times to avoid being the next victim of a cyberattack:

  1. Be proactive by performing a penetration test so that you are informed in advance of threats that could threaten your organization.
  2. Launching an application, an important update or a change in your computer system can be a good time.
  3. A major change in compliance regulations can also be a great opportunity.

We recommend performing one penetration test per year to ensure that your security is always optimal.

By performing a penetration test, our cybersecurity experts position themselves as malicious persons willing to attack your company’s IT services. The main goals of a penetration test are:

  • To test the security level of your company’s computer networks.
  • To identify the flaws in your systems that could be exploited to steal your data.
  • To see if your confidential data is properly protected.

At the end of the test, a detailed report will be given to you, detailing the flaws to be corrected, and the appropriate solutions to correct these vulnerabilities.

Our goal is to give you an accurate picture of the risks to which your company is exposed. By dealing with the cybersecurity experts at MS Solutions, you will obtain a eliable and impartial opinion. . Moreover, by calculating the probability of a cyberattack against your organization, you will be able to predict the possible financial and reputational impacts. The appropriate actions can then be planned.

A company firmly established in Quebec

Maxime Dion

MS Solutions relies on a team of over 75 IT professionals. The company is experiencing sustained growth and is considered a leading player in the IT industry in Quebec. We are proud to be in business for over 30 years!

Exceptional expertise in cybersecurity

Our penetration testing team will advise you on the type of penetration testing or cybersecurity audits required for your company. Rest assured that our specialists will offer you a service adapted to the specific needs of your organization.

Advanced expertise in penetration testing

Penetration testing projects are overseen by Bernard Després, Director of the security and audit practice, certified CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) and CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), with over 20 years of experience in IT consulting.

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