Document to download: The 20 most popular Microsoft 365 apps



Which cloud to choose for your SME

The cloud, also called cloud computing, is revolutionizing access to IT services, making them accessible to all businesses, from large corporations to SMEs. Contrary to popular belief, the cloud is

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Teams: 7 Steps to a Successful Webinar

It may be that you have been planning to provide training in your company, but have found yourself constrained because of recent circumstances. Meetings in person are currently prohibited, but virtual gatherings are not, and that’s great because we have

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Avoid the risks of phishing

Phishing is a technique used by hackers to try to trick users into clicking on dangerous links or asking them to share sensitive information. Phishing attacks can take many forms,

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La sauvegarde de données dans Microsoft 365

Data backup in Microsoft 365

81% of technology leaders have experienced data loss in Office 365. Indeed, one of the biggest advantages of Microsoft 365 is its cloud service which allows access to all your

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