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IT security audit

With an IT security audit, evaluate your organization's IT environment to confirm the effectiveness of your protection mechanisms as well as the robustness of your IT infrastructure in the face of cyber threats.

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Don't wait for a hacker to come and test your limits to find out where your weaknesses are.​

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43% of SMEs have not yet adopted plans
cybersecurity assessment and mitigation

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Once a year is the right time to do an IT security audit

IT security audit: evaluate your cybersecurity policies and procedures

The IT security audit allows you to analyze and obtain a vision of the overall cybersecurity level of your organization.
The work carried out as part of a cybersecurity audit is numerous, detailed and affects all of the targeted systems.

An IT security audit allows you to be proactive and anticipate possible threats. You should not wait for a cyberattack to set up an audit. As cyberattacks evolve rapidly and are increasingly complex, it is necessary to audit regularly and adapt your IT infrastructure with constant updates.

Compared to carrying out an IT security audit by one of your internal colleagues, carrying out an external audit offers: a fresh look at your cybersecurity procedures, in-depth expertise and extensive experience through the completion of numerous other audits. By entrusting your security audit to a specialized company, you will obtain a quality report including concrete recommendations.

The security audit allows you to draw a transparent portrait of your current situation by confirming the effectiveness of your protection mechanisms as well as the robustness of your IT infrastructure in the face of cyber threats.

Most businesses wait until they suspect a cyberattack or hack to conduct an IT security audit.

We advise you to carry out an IT security audit at more opportune times.

  • Be proactive by conducting an IT security audit to know in advance about threats that could impact your organization
  • The launch of an application, an important update or even a change in your computer system can be a good time
  • A major change in compliance regulations can also be a great opportunity

How does an IT security audit carried out by our team work?

The methodology that we recommend for carrying out an IT security audit adapts to the size and realities of organizations. We support you from planning the audit, to presenting a detailed report, through the collection and analysis of your IT systems.

Our IT security audit experts will speak with the employee(s) of your organization involved in this project in order to plan the different stages together.

Our experts will collect all the information they need in order to test the effectiveness of your protection mechanisms in terms of the 6 security aspects that are the subject of the audit.

Our experts will continue the audit with tests of your system to identify possible security problems, vulnerabilities and performance issues.

Our certified specialists will carry out an analysis of the results obtained in the previous stages in order to identify trends, priority issues and required improvements. The report will contain the various analyzes and findings identified throughout the audit. The report will list all the problems raised by our experts as well as a series of recommendations to improve the solidity of your IT infrastructure.

A pictorial report to simplify understanding will be given to you. Recommendations will be made in order to target and guide the improvement opportunities to be prioritized.

Inclusions of an IT security audit:

Governance, policies, guidelines, change management, incident management, risk management, staff awareness, criminal background checks and insurance.

Documentation, security perimeter, vulnerability scanning, monitoring mechanism, remote access, dark web analysis, email protection.

Documentation, system obsolescence, software patch management, antivirus, wireless networking, password management, access management, high-privilege account management, access review, IoT.

Website management, DNS management, social media management, website vulnerability scanning, SPF, DKIM and DMARC.

Physical access, server room, communications room, sensitive equipment, hardware inventory and mobile device security.

Business continuity guideline, system robustness, backup management for sensitive systems, RTO/RPO, backup segmentation and testing.

MS Solutions undertakes to provide you with a report, recommendations as well as documentation relating to the IT security audit carried out.

Our Commitment

Aicha Soulières_1

We invest in learning and balancing our resources so that our people are our best asset, and yours.

Aïcha Soulières

Director of Human Resources and Culture

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