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IT Assessment
An IT assessment provides a factual account of the state of your IT infrastructure, both in terms of security and performance.
MS Solutions will provide you with an unbiased and transparent analysis of your IT infrastructure.
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IT assessment

With an in-depth analysis of your IT infrastructure and its operation, you will obtain a complete vision of the state of your IT services. Conducted by a third-party company specializing in the field, an IT assessment will not only provide an overview, but also highlight required improvements and potential risks of your IT infrastructure.

Did you know that …

Our MS Solutions experts recommend that you perform an IT assessment at least once a year.

Why carry out a technology health check and entrust it to an external partner?

Having a technology health check performed once a year will allow you to prevent potential system problems, before they become too big. If you postpone an audit, the costs of intervention once the system is down or during a cyber-attack will be much higher. Moreover, as technologies are constantly evolving, a regular IT audit will ensure that your system is up-to-date, and will protect you from possible cyber-attacks.

Are you hesitating to entrust your IT assessment to an external partner? Ask yourself the right questions: does your team have the necessary knowledge to perform a full audit? Will your employees be impartial? How much time and money will it cost?

What is included in an IT assessment?

MS Solutions is committed to providing you with a comprehensive status report.

The process of an IT assessment :

MS Solutions professionals will analyze the current state of your IT services using tools that ensure an accurate result.   

This analysis will include a summary analysis of the situation, the strengths and vulnerabilities associated with the current situation as well as an analysis of your perimeter security.

We will provide you with a report that will include a summary vulnerability assessment, a status of your relief, a status report and the status of your perimeter security.

Our Commitment

We invest in learning and balancing our resources so that our people are our best asset, and yours.

Coline Vigroux

Director of Human Resources

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