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Anti-virus solutions for businesses
Keep your business data as secure as possible with an enterprise antivirus solution.
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Protect your users and organizational data with advanced enterprise virus protection

The advent of hybrid work places cybersecurity at the heart of companies’ priorities. It is essential that companies protect their various access points to ensure the security of its organization’s data, and that of its employees.

Did you know that…

50% of organizations have experienced ransomware-related activity

Source: CISCO

What is enterprise virus protection?  

Antivirus protection allows you to protect all the access points to your company. It is through these that all your corporate data is accessible. Your access points are prime targets for hackers, and are therefore vulnerable.

The role of an enterprise antivirus solution is to use the latest technological innovations, while being housed in the cloud in order to unify the security of your company’s users and access points.

Why have antivirus protection for your business?

Choosing the best antivirus solution for your business allows you to ensure that all your data and users are safe. Such protection against malware prevents, detects and responds to different threats by combining behavioural analysis, machine learning and advanced detection techniques.

An enterprise antivirus solution blocks threats before they are realized through three key steps in malware protection:

A security solution will analyze the various files passing through your network and on your users’ workstations, in order to block potential attacks as quickly as possible and ensure the complete protection of your data.
By performing continuous analysis, antivirus protection for business allows you to detect all the behaviours related to malware, and warns you in time – before the threat can actually harm your information system.
With a simple and clear dashboard, your IT teams can easily check detection history and block any malware with a single click.

Rely on the absolute security of your environment

With an evolution towards hybrid work occurring within many companies, the issue of cybersecurity must be a priority, in order to make sure you secure your computer system and your users and avoid the increasingly present cyberattacks. Having antivirus protection for your business is just the first step towards maximum security.

It is highly recommended that you couple enterprise antivirus protection with DNS threat protection. This additional layer of security will block malware before it can enter your system.

In addition, while software protection is a key component of any security system, it’s essential to ensure that your employees are fully equipped to deal with cyber threats. After all, your teams are a primary target for hackers. It is essential to ensure that they are aware of the risks, and that they refer to best practices in this area, with the help of cybersecurity training. This training can be completed via a phishing simulation in your company, allowing you to simulate a real attack and detect the weak points in your security system.

Our Commitment

Our team of certified cybersecurity professionals will work with you to implement and maintain the IT security solution that meets your needs.

Bernard Després

Security and Audit Practice Manager

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