Bill 25, prepare your compliance.

4 Good Reasons To Carry Out A Penetration Test

Did you know that hackers are constantly on the lookout for specific technologies, and that they are perfectly aware of the vulnerabilities of each type of computer system? And that to ensure the protection of your business upstream, you need an intrusion test? This is where a cybersecurity professional will seek to gain access to your computer systems, using the same techniques that a malicious hacker would use. 

Having trouble understanding the importance of a penetration test? Continue reading this article, where we present  four good reasons to carry out a penetration test.

1. Protect Your Business from Cyber-Attacks

Be proactive in identifying and fixing your vulnerabilities, before a hacker exploits them. MS Solutions’ experts can simulate all possible types of attacks, from an internal network, Google Cloud, SaaS, or even via a website or application. You will discover all the different types of intrusion test that can be carried out on this page: intrusion test. These tests will highlight the flaws in your computer system and suggest the necessary upstream corrections. Once the infiltration of your system has been carried out by an expert, they will be able to explain to you how they did it and the solutions that would have prevented it. It is in your best interest to experience this as part of a simulation, rather than during an actual attack.


2. Comply with Industry Standards

For legal reasons, or as part of your business best practices, you may be required to comply with standards that require the performance of a penetration test. For example, you must be PCI compliant if you process payments with a debit or credit card system. This standard requires a penetration test at least once a year, and each time there is a modification or a major update of your infrastructure or applications. If your company works with SaaS applications, you may also encounter requirements, either from your customers or as a condition of partnership/investment. MS Solutions penetration testing experts can help you comply with your industry requirements; contact us.

3. Prioritize Your Security Patches with a Penetration Test 

Performing a penetration test allows you to understand your greatest vulnerabilities, and what to fix first. These vulnerabilities will be classified according to two criteria: the potential impact on the confidentiality of data systems, and the ease of their exploitation. Thus the most probable and more easily exploitable attacks will be given priority. The report that will be given to you at the end of the penetration test categorizes all potential attacks according to the level of risk (from urgent to low). This will allow you to focus your attention on the attacks with the most significant consequences for your business.

4. Significantly Reduce the Financial Costs of an Attack

Your initial investment in a penetration test will cost much less than the losses generated by a cyber-attack. In some cases, a cyber-attack can be devastating, and lead to the permanent closure of a business. We often think of the direct costs related to a cyber-attack, such as legal costs, compliance or device improvements. However, there are many indirect costs, illustrated below.

In Short…

Most companies wait until they suspect a cyber-attack or hack to conduct a penetration test. We strongly advise you to be proactive, by carrying out a penetration test in order to stay informed – in advance – of the threats that your organization may face. A change in your computer system, such as the launch of an application, a major update or a major change in compliance regulations, are also opportune times to carry out a penetration test. Our MS Solutions experts are at your disposal to answer your questions, do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.

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