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The most common cybersecurity issues and how to prevent them

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and we have identified several cyber horror stories to raise awareness among employees and entrepreneurs. Here are the important points to remember when it comes to cybersecurity.

Not all cyberattacks are the same and do not all have the same actions and risks. So let’s see how the most widespread types of cyberattacks behave so that we can better detect them now.

Malicious program or malware (malware)

Malware is unwanted software that gets installed in your system without your consent. It is a “tool frequently used by cybercriminals to infect victims’ systems and devices in order to steal their personal information. » (

To win, cybercriminals will try to get you to open an attached file, click on a link or download a program that appears legitimate. Malware can take several forms such as spyware, various viruses, a Trojan horse, a worm, a logic bomb or even injectors.

How to prevent

  • Set up an antivirus
  • Install a firewall
  • Enable multi-factor authentication
  • Apply enhanced malware protection and online threat protection (at the DNS level)


Phishing is a known and widespread type of cyberattack. This does not mean that everyone is trained to detect them. Phishing is a form of attack that combines technical skills and social engineering. It is especially common to see this type of cyber attack by sending emails that appear to come from reliable sources. The objective behind this semblance of legitimacy is to collect personal data or encourage victims to take action, either through an attachment, link or download.

How to prevent


Ransomware is the most common tactic for spreading malware to victims’ computers. Ransomware is an attack that passes through unsecured websites by inserting a script within the HTTP or PHP code. This way, cybercriminals can install malware on the computer of the person visiting the website. Everything is done without the knowledge or consent of the person via stealth downloading.

How to prevent

  • Set up an antivirus
  • Install a firewall
  • Enable multi-factor authentication
  • Apply enhanced malware protection and online threat protection (at the DNS level)

In addition to knowing what ransomware is and how to prevent it, it is important to address the following question: should I pay the ransom demanded of me? Be aware that paying the ransom does not guarantee access to your files again. In fact, it encourages ransomware authors to continue their cyberattacks. Additionally, it is more than likely that cybercriminals have already copied your data and shared it on the Dark Web. MS Solutions can help you with Dark Web monitoring so your data doesn’t end up there.

Password cracking

Password cracking is the most common way to gain access to your system. This type of cyberattack is directly linked to the resale of information on the Dark Web.

How to prevent

In short

It is obvious that the number of cyberattacks is increasing and that several other types of cyberattacks exist: denial of service attack, stealth download, SQL injection, man-in-the-middle attack, cross-site scripting, birthday attack and many more. others. This is why it is more important than ever that your IT equipment is secure and that your employees know how to detect attempted cyberattacks.

Cyberattacks can come at you and your business in many forms and cybercriminals increasingly know how to get you or one of your employees to take the bait. Ensure your cybersecurity and avoid being the next victim of a cyberattack thanks to the expertise of the MS Solutions team. Contact us now to learn more about our solutions against cyberattacks or to take cybersecurity training.

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