Document to download: The 20 most popular Microsoft 365 apps

The Importance Of Data Backups On A Secure Cloud

“Don’t wait until you lose your data to think about a secure cloud backup solution”

Data loss can happen quickly and the economic and financial consequences for your business would be disastrous. In order to avoid running such a risk, you can use an external cloud backup service. In this article, we will explain the concept of an external cloud and its advantages, the distinction with online file storage, our MS Cloud 3.0 solution.

Secure External Cloud Backup

You probably already use an online file storage system such as Microsoft 365 or other similar websites. But did you know that while these systems allow you to store and share files, they don’t perform “real” backups? That’s why it’s important to supplement your online storage with an external cloud backup solution.

The Advantages Of Cloud Computing

As a reminder, cloud backups are secure, off-site copies of data that are stored on remote servers and accessed via an internet connection. By using a cloud backup you protect your data from any possible loss. In addition, with a backup system for your Microsoft 365 space, you will be able to benefit from quick restoration of your data and files in case of loss, theft or leakage. The cloud system performs automatic backups and can store as many versions as you want, at the frequency you want.

A Solution For Small And Medium Businesses 

Cloud-based backups are suitable for small businesses because they do not require capital expenditures or on-site hardware. In addition, these solutions help reduce the level of responsibility of IT staff, so they can focus on other tasks.

Secure MSCloud, A 100% Quebec Cloud

We offer a data backup service for Microsoft 365 via Secure MSCloud. These backups are adapted to the use of Microsoft Teams and SharePoint and follow the compliance requirements of Microsoft 365. All your Microsoft 365 data will be backed up here in Quebec in a secure and efficient storage space.  

For more information on cloud solutions, contact our team of specialists

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