White paper: Copilot for Microsoft 365,
the optimal adoption journey

Microsoft Defender

Did you know that a cyber attack occurs on average every 39 seconds? The risk of a cyber threat is becoming more and more frequent and more and more expensive. It has therefore become essential to have reliable and effective protection.  

That’s why Microsoft Defender is part of our secure outsourcing offering and why it is also part of our daily deployed solutions. Here is more information to discover this software. 


What Is Microsoft Defender

It is an antivirus software from Microsoft whose first version was released in October 2006. Microsoft Defender is included with Windows 10. It is one of the components of Windows Security.  

Initially, it was a tool for fighting spyware, but now it has become a comprehensive antivirus that offers real-time protection from online threats. 

It provides you with various tools that allow you to protect your organization from cyber attacks, phishing attempts, and all other forms of threats targeting the devices, identities, applications, data, and cloud used by your business as well as your employees.

Microsoft Defender Security

MS Solutions works with the Windows Security Suite, including Microsoft Defender, for several reasons: 

  • It protects your data and devices in real time with a comprehensive suite of advanced protections. It monitors for threats on your mobile and desktop devices and runs scans to give you great protection. Plus, it includes regular updates to ensure that new web threats are always detected.  
  • It saves your files to OneDrive for Business to keep them protected, backed up and accessible from all your devices, no matter where you are. 
  • It helps you maintain your privacy. You can set your location, camera and data usage options in the settings panel. 
  • It lets you manage firewall settings and monitor events related to your networks and Internet connections. 
  • It also allows you to locate your devices in case they are lost or even stolen.


In Short

Microsoft Defender helps you be more secure with tools that protect you from cyber threats. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information about our services by calling 1-888-877-3365 or by clicking right here.

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