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SharePoint Intranet: boost your company’s collaboration and internal communication

Imagine a world where information is centralized, accessible in one click and where collaboration is seamless. This is the promise of the SharePoint intranet: a powerful solution to revolutionize communication and collaboration within your company.

In this article: 

  • Discover the undeniable benefits of the SharePoint intranet for your organization and your employees.

  • Dive into the concrete case of MS Solutions and discover how we optimized our intranet to meet the needs of our 100 employees.

  • Explore the comprehensive support offered by MS Solutions to help you create and deploy a tailor-made SharePoint intranet.

  • Learn how the Power Platform can further boost your intranet with powerful, personalized tools. 

So, ready to transform your internal communication?

Read on and discover how SharePoint intranet can become your company’s key asset!

Overview of the SharePoint intranet

The SharePoint intranet is a collaborative solution used by more than 200,000 organizations and 190 million people around the world. It allows the creation of SharePoint sites, the saving, sharing and management of your company’s content while promoting teamwork and respecting assigned sharing rights.

If you find yourself juggling emails, shared folders and in-person chats to find important information, or if you are regularly asked for access to essential everyday documents, then SharePoint may be the solution to your problems.

The advantages of opting for this tool

For the company 

The SharePoint intranet is much more than just a collaboration tool. It is a true ally for your business, offering a multitude of benefits.

Reduced costs and increased collaboration

SharePoint enables a significant reduction in operational costs by optimizing work processes. Additionally, it promotes a noticeable increase in collaboration among your team members, which can lead to improved productivity and efficiency.

Strengthening corporate culture 

SharePoint helps strengthen company culture by facilitating communication and information sharing. It helps create a more transparent and inclusive work environment, where each team member feels valued and involved.

Centralization of information

With SharePoint, all important information is centralized in one place. This greatly simplifies information management and makes the processes of finding and sharing information more efficient.

Data security 

SharePoint strengthens data security thanks to its granularity of access. This means you can precisely control who has access to what information, helping to protect your company’s sensitive data. 

Non-directional communication

SharePoint promotes non-directional communication, which facilitates exchanges within your organization. This allows each team member to speak up and share their ideas, which can lead to better decision-making and increased innovation.

Maximizing the use of Microsoft 365 

If you already have Microsoft 365 licenses, favoring SharePoint is a smart decision. This allows you to maximize the use of your Microsoft 365 environment and take full advantage of its capabilities.

“No-code” and customizable interface 

Thanks to its “No-code” interface, getting started with SharePoint is greatly simplified. Additionally, your interface is fully customizable to reflect your business identity. So SharePoint doesn’t just adapt to your needs, it anticipates them, offering a truly tailor-made solution for your business.  

For users  

The SharePoint intranet is designed to improve the user experience within your organization. Here’s how :

Improved communication 

SharePoint makes communication between your team members easier. Thanks to its sharing and collaboration features, information flows more easily, which promotes better understanding and effective coordination of tasks. 

Easy access to information 

SharePoint centralizes all your business information in one place. Thanks to its ergonomic interface, users can easily navigate and find the information they need. No more searching in multiple places or asking multiple people: everything is at your fingertips.

Autonomy in searching for information 

With SharePoint, each user has the ability to search and find the information they need independently. This saves time and avoids unnecessary dependencies.

Saving time and productivity

By centralizing information and making it easier to access, SharePoint allows users to save valuable time. This time can be reinvested in higher value-added tasks, which increases the overall productivity of the team.

Mobile access 

With the SharePoint app, users can access the company intranet from anywhere, using their mobile device. This allows greater flexibility and continuity of work, even on the move. 

Reinforced sense of belonging and commitment 

By facilitating communication and collaboration, SharePoint helps strengthen the feeling of belonging and user engagement. They feel more involved in the life of the company and more motivated to contribute to its success.

Concrete case: The secrets of MS Solutions to optimize your intranet 

At MS Solutions, we have around a hundred employees who use our SharePoint intranet every week! The content is updated by several collaborators on a weekly basis so that the information is centralized and our intranet is lively and attractive. To ensure the relevance and security of what we share on our intranet, we have implemented granular access to give our employees only what they need. Additionally, during the onboarding process for a new employee, a well-designed SharePoint Intranet can make a lasting impression. By providing each newcomer with seamless access to essential resources, key information, and tools needed for onboarding, you can create a “Wow” factor from day one. Easy access to documents, guides, contacts and internal processes via SharePoint can not only make it easier for new employees to adapt, but also reinforce their commitment to the company from the start of their professional journey. By investing in this platform, you are investing in the efficiency and productivity of your team, providing them with a powerful tool to work in a transparent and coordinated way.

Let’s take a look at the most popular pages on our intranet to give you some inspiration! If you would like a guided and detailed tour of our SharePoint intranet, do not hesitate to consult our past webinar on the subject. Aicha Soulières, our Human Resources and Culture Director, offers you through this webinar a detailed tour of our SharePoint intranet and how she uses it in her daily life as a manager to streamline internal communication.

Home page :  

We wanted a useful and ergonomic home page. In order to imbue our team with our values, it seemed only natural to us to recall them from the home page. Then we display our news: Presentation of our new employees, overview of our news (HR column, new referencing program, etc.), job opportunities to fill.

Just below this welcome carousel, we have put practical daily information: Dates of public holidays, news, personal birthdays of team members, social events, recordings of our webinars, emergency contacts…

Now let’s take a look at the MS Employees submenu. Here you will find the information that everyone needs for their daily life: Calendar of public holidays and vacations, health and safety, group insurance, telephone lists, employee guide, organization chart, etc.

Now that we have taken a look at the key points of our intranet on the “human resources” side, let’s see what is happening in the Marketing tab. Here, links to our social networks, our company’s digital events (webinars), useful links, our new services/products on display, and other useful resources that teams who interact with our clients !

After presenting you the main points of our SharePoint intranet, we would like to present a concrete case in which our HR team was able to exploit SharePoint and Forms to organize a social event.

On our last evening of the holiday season, our team had the chance to celebrate this event in a superb restaurant in Trois-Rivières. Each member of the team had to choose from 3 starters, 3 main courses and 3 desserts to compose their menu. To simplify the organization of the dinner, our HR team sent a Forms form to the entire team by email, this email redirected to our SharePoint intranet where the form was available.


Thanks to centralized response management, the team easily orchestrated an event bringing together around a hundred people, offering a tailor-made meal while taking into account individual preferences and specific dietary needs.   

How MS Solutions can help you create your SharePoint intranet 

MS Solutions can support you in creating your tailor-made SharePoint intranet, from design support to training to ensure that your digital shift is a success.

Our design support is comprehensive and collaborative. It is divided into 7 main stages.

  • Planning
  • Training
  • Needs analysis
  • Design
  • Pilot
  • Deployment
  • Support and continuous improvement

To ensure that you get to grips with your new tool optimally, we also offer two types of training. On the one hand, SharePoint training for administrators and designers dedicated to human resources who will take charge of updating your SharePoint intranet. 

On the other hand, we also offer training dedicated to users, which is aimed at your entire team. The goal of this type of training is to get your team to buy into the new tool. Training maximizes the adoption of change. 

To go further according to your needs 

With the Power Platform tools, you can create personalized tools integrated into your SharePoint intranet. You can create interactive dashboards with Power BI, automate business processes and workflows within your intranet with Power Automate, and create custom apps with Power Apps.

In short  

Adopting a SharePoint Intranet offers immense potential to boost collaboration and communication within your business. By capitalizing on the advanced features of SharePoint, you can create a digital environment rich in possibilities, promoting the exchange of ideas, the coordination of projects and the sharing of resources. Additionally, one of SharePoint’s strengths is its customization capability, allowing you to adapt the interface to your company’s image. Customization options such as choosing colors, laying out elements, and creating specific sites according to teams’ needs provide unprecedented flexibility to meet your organization’s unique requirements.

Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about how we can help you set up your own SharePoint intranet.

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