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Phishing: How To Protect Your Business?

75% of security incidents are caused by human error. Today we are going to tell you about phishing, and the solutions to protect your business. This threat can invade your mailboxes, your cell phone, and can create doubt even among the most cautious of us. Fortunately, there are solutions to mitigate this risk within your company. Stay tuned, your questions about phishing are answered throughout this article.

What is Phishing?

Phishing most often corresponds to an email accompanied by a link, with a suspicious message that invites action on the pretext of an urgent need. It is used by cyber-criminals to gain access to their victims’ computers, in order to steal confidential information or extort money. Cyber-criminals use several phishing techniques. One of them is to pretend to be a colleague, manager or even a partner. Targeted victims receive a message that may look very similar to a real one, and are prompted to perform an action (open an attachment, go to a page, or click a link). To illustrate, here’s an example of an email from a cyber-criminal posing as your manager: “I’m out of the office right now, and forgot to pay this month’s delivery bill for XX products. I need you to send an amount of $250 to this account number XXXXXX immediately. Thank you.”

The Risks of Phishing

There are several phishing techniques and therefore several risks. One is data theft. For example, when you click on a fraudulent link, you may be redirected to a page resembling your bank’s interface, which prompts you to enter your codes or card numbers. Likewise, if you click on a fraudulent file, malware can install itself on your computer without warning you. This intrusion allows cyber-criminals to steal your personal data, recover your banking information, or intercept your usernames and passwords. Cyber-criminals may want to resell this data on the Dark Web, or use it to steal money. Cyber-ransomware can also be used to block access to your files, your computer, or even entire networks and servers, by encrypting them. Cyber-criminals will demand money in exchange for restoring your data.

Solutions to Protect Your Business

Phishing Simulation

Part of the key to protection lies in raising awareness, educating and increasing the vigilance of your employees. First, you can perform basic testing using a simulated phishing attack to find out the percentage of your employees exposed to this risk. At MS Solutions we perform a simulation by randomly sending an email to one (or more) of your employees during their working hours. This proven technique can test the alertness of your employees and confirm the safety of your business. Then, you can make your employees aware of the risks of phishing by offering them training. This personalized training will teach them the right reflexes when receiving a phishing email. In addition to the above, phishing campaigns can be a source of information that is precise enough to be used as a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and to monitor the level of vigilance of your employees.

Valuable Tips

Our main advice is simple: DOUBT, STOP AND THINK. If a message is intriguing, do not forget to be wary and to ask yourself the right questions (coherence of the message, urgency, updating of confidential information, and so on). For more advice and to access a training program adapted to your company,’s needs contact a cybersecurity expert, or make your teams aware of phishing through one of our training courses.

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Avoid the risks of phishing

Phishing is a technique used by hackers to try to trick users into clicking on dangerous links or asking them to share sensitive information. Phishing

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