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Why use SharePoint in your business?

Pourquoi utiliser SharePoint dans votre entreprise?

We are entering a paperless age, where digital solutions are replacing more traditional working methods. In this new era, several document management and document sharing platforms are available – including Microsoft Office 365’s SharePoint application. This electronic document management (EDM) application offers a multitude of ways to get organized, all without paper! Here are some tips to improve the way you work with SharePoint, and thus achieve perfect organization.


1. Digital Paperless Library

You were sure you had put that crucial document, listing the guests of the Christmas party, in this binder, and yet it’s nowhere to be found… Avoid this issue in the future by using SharePoint to organize yourself. SharePoint, with its enterprise search capabilities, lets you find – and even edit and share – any document in seconds. SharePoint can save you valuable time classifying, highlighting, and finding your team documents!

Pourquoi utiliser SharePoint dans votre entreprise?

2. Collaborate More Easily

Collaborating with colleagues on the same document can take a lot of coordination and organization. And in some cases, documents also need to be shared with partners or customers, which makes the task even more complex. But SharePoint solves this complicated process. SharePoint’s online deployment allows documents to be shared easily with both internal and external users. If external recipients use SharePoint or have a Microsoft account, they can interact directly with your document, providing both content and comments. Collaboration is faster, requires less effort, and eliminates the need for multiple document versions.

3.Sharing Tool

SharePoint is a great sharing tool, and by sharing your company’s documents and information to various stakeholders via SharePoint, you will save considerable time. With SharePoint you will reduce sending and searching for (easily lost) email by 50%. It can also help you centralize communication with all staff, creating a single source of access to documents and information. This will help you avoid unnecessary duplication and speed up the processing of information. In addition, all access to these documents can be controlled by the owner – useful when sharing documents with confidential information. Understanding the SharePoint sharing tool is essential to performing efficient and secure work. Taking dedicated business training on the use of SharePoint can benefit employees and increase the efficiency of your staff.

4.Take SharePoint Everywhere

As a web-based system, SharePoint is available from a variety of interfaces: desktops, laptops, tablets, and conference room kiosks. Start reading a document on your desktop and finish it from a tablet, or while in a meeting. Send meeting attendees links to agendas and presentations instead of printing documents. And, as SharePoint is a collaboration platform, all the activities, information and documents in your intranet are available to you directly online.

Pourquoi utiliser SharePoint dans votre entreprise?

In short…

SharePoint can dramatically reduce the amount of paper you have in circulation, and make it easier to organize, share and coordinate information within a business work environment. If you have any questions regarding the SharePoint solution, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts in the field.

If you have more questions about the SharePoint solution, MS Solutions can help you with personalized support for the implementation of your new intranet. Do not hesitate to contact one of our experts in the field.

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