Document to download: The 20 most popular Microsoft 365 apps

Build your cybersecurity foundation
With cyber-attacks on businesses on the rise, it's time to build your cybersecurity foundation. It's no longer optional.
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Ensure your business is adequately protected against cyber threats with our cybersecurity solutions

Every organization is a target for hackers.

Protect your data and your users with Microsoft Defender

Protecting your business data means adopting a cybersecurity solution that uses the latest technologies to counter cyber threats. Microsoft Defender helps protect your users and ensure the integrity of your valuable business data.

Educate your users on cybersecurity issues

Digital tools bring many benefits, but their use also makes you more vulnerable to cyber threats. In addition to proper software protection, it’s essential that your employees are educated about cybersecurity issues.

Simulate a phishing campaign with your users

Phishing is one of the main vectors of cyber-attacks against companies. As phishing techniques have become more and more sophisticated, it is essential to raise awareness and increase the vigilance of your teams, in order to be adequately protected.   

Conduct an IT assessment

By conducting an IT assessment, you can pinpoint the weak points in your IT infrastructure. By having a complete view of your IT system, you can make better decisions about the cybersecurity solutions needed to protect your business from hackers.

Outsource the management of your IT assets

With next-generation secure outsourcing, you’ll realize the benefits of an external partner for the day-to-day management of your IT assets, while minimizing your risk of falling victim to a cyber-attack. Adapted to the new reality of telecommuting, Secure Managed Services allow you to focus on the most strategic technology issues for your organization, while laying the foundation to protect your organization from malicious hackers.

Go further

Think you’ve built your cybersecurity foundation? It’s time to take it to the next level and think about more advanced strategies!   

Our Commitment

Our team of certified cybersecurity professionals will work with you to implement and maintain the IT security solution that meets your needs.

Bernard Després

Security and Audit Practice Manager

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