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Microsoft SharePoint
With Microsoft SharePoint for Business, securely share files and content with people both inside and outside of your organization.
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SharePoint promotes teamwork and productivity

Microsoft SharePoint allows you to share and manage content, share collective knowledge, find data and collaborate effectively. SharePoint is designed to be accessible from any device, allowing your teams to work on PCs, Macs, iOS and Android devices.

Did you know that …

85% of Fortune 500 companies use SharePoint and OneDrive to improve employee productivity.

Source: Microsoft

What is SharePoint ?

Microsoft SharePoint is a collaborative platform designed for companies of all sizes to create intelligent and mobile intranets.

With SharePoint, you can optimize the efficiency of your organization by increasing the productivity of your teams.

SharePoint makes collaboration more productive

SharePoint for Business allows you to set up dynamic team sites. These sites will allow your employees to easily share files, data, information and resources specific to their project or department. Each site can be easily customized to provide a productive collaboration environment for your colleagues.

Improve information sharing within your organization

SharePoint also acts as an intranet within your company. You can easily share information and resources on a portal accessible to all your employees, so that everyone can be informed of your company’s news and feel involved in the daily life of the organization.   

SharePoint, the central point of your company's collective knowledge

Microsoft SharePoint is the perfect tool to centralize the knowledge your employees need. They will be able to easily search for information using the powerful integrated search engine. They will have the ability to quickly access all relevant information and knowledge in order to perform their daily tasks and make the best possible decisions for your company.

A customizable and integrated tool

Each site created through SharePoint can be fully customized with turnkey elements, including displaying your organization’s colours. Moreover, SharePoint is fully integrated with the Microsoft 365 environment in order to incorporate Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.

Microsoft also allows you to integrate Power Automate in order to create workflows to create powerful automations to gain productivity, – whether this is approving content or sending notifications to certain users based on actions.

For more specific needs, Microsoft offers the possibility to add modules to a SharePoint environment. These modules can come from the Microsoft catalog or can be developed by our experts to meet the specific needs of your organization.

SharePoint security

Microsoft is extremely sensitive to the security of its users’ data and SharePoint is no exception. In fact, SharePoint offers:

  • Enhanced security to reduce the risk of intrusion on your SharePoint intranet.
  • Advanced configuration of sharing and access parameters for the various SharePoint sites, in order to avoid any external data leakage.
  • The ability to set up a backup system integrated with the Microsoft 365 environment to avoid any data loss.

Make your communications more social

One of the advantages of Microsoft SharePoint is its customization potential. You will be able to integrate Yammer , a Microsoft corporate social network, to give a social dimension to your information and involve your employees even more.

Our Commitment

We are committed to staying on the cutting edge of technological innovations, and to helping you benefit from them, while evolving our company to remain at the forefront.

Maxime Dion

President, MS Solutions

A company firmly established in Quebec

MS Solutions relies on a team of over 75 IT professionals. The company is experiencing sustained growth and is considered a leading player in the IT industry in Quebec. We are proud to be in business for over 30 years!

Exceptional expertise in Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint offers a world of business opportunities. Our team of Microsoft SharePoint implementation specialists has the experience and qualifications to handle simple to complex projects.

Customized support to implement SharePoint in your company

MS Solutions implements SharePoint according to the specific needs of your company. You will benefit from exceptional local support throughout the process. In addition, we offer customized SharePoint training to enable your employees to use the most relevant features of the platform with confidence and efficiency.

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